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Does Bear Grylls have a survival iPhone app?

Just wanted to find out if Bear Grylls from Man vs. Wild has an iphone app?

3 Answers


UPDATE 12-15-2010: The Bear Grylls - Bear Essentials app is finally in the iTunes app store as of today.  It is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Download the Bear Grylls - Bear Essentials app!


The Bear Grylls iphone app is called ‘Bear Grylls: The Bear Essentials’. It has yet to show up officially in the Apple iTunes app store, but I'm guessing that it should be there in the coming days.

Below is a snippet from the press release talking about the new Bear Grylls app:

Internationally renowned adventurist and survival expert, Bear Grylls leads audiences through this multimedia app packed with exclusive film, photos, illustrations, quizzes, quotes and interactive tools.

“I’m so pleased that through a simple app I can now share all my outdoor and survival skills that I learnt from my time with the British Special Forces, through Everest, the French Foreign Legion, the Scouts, and countless expeditions into the wild. We have distilled them all down into this easy-to-use survival guide app,” explains Bear Grylls. “Which is really the ultimate multi-media survival Swiss-army knife of an app! The goal was to nicely blend all the best, most functional aspects from my TV shows and books into an interactive instruction manual, and mobile tool kit all rolled into one. This really could one day save your life! Enjoy!"


Bear Grylls - Bear Essentials App:

Bear Grylls iPhone app press release:

According to Bear Grylls via twitter, he will be launching the BG Bear Essentials App at the Apple store, Regent St, London, this Thursday (Dec. 9th, 2010) at 645-745pm.

my ipod

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