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Differences between Equity and Equality?

What are the Differences between Equity vs. Equality?

1 Answer

Equity and equality are often used to denote justice and fairness. But one of these terms only shows the real meaning of justice or fairness. Equality doesn’t equate with equity and vice versa. Although each has its own advantage, one of these two terms are more justifiable than the other.

Equality, although sounds very good, it is actually not always justifiable in some circumstances. To understand further, let us define equality. Equality assumes that everyone is the same, therefore, shares the same portion. This may look fair, but problem lies because each individual has his or her own needs that are different from others. Each individual also has different capabilities and abilities that somehow entitled to a much higher value than others.

Equity on the other hand is a different concept. Although it involves sharing, the sharing of goods, products, services, and other related concepts are shared in portions. Although they are not equally shared unlike in the concept of equality, equity’s concept is more justifiable and fair because they look into the person’s needs. This is what we call portion sharing.

An example that we can refer these concepts to are the types of government. The Communist and the Non-Communist. The Communist type of government follows the concept of equality wherein they regarded their subjects as all equals, with the same needs, same abilities, and therefore same portions. Even men and women are given same treatments, salaries, and benefits. Equity can be compared to a Non-Communist type of government wherein everyone can grow at a different rate. Each and everyone are given shares based on their needs as well as giving credit to their abilities.

Another example that we can depict these two concepts is how the two genders are being treated. In equality, men and women are treated as equals wherein both are given the same privileges, benefits, salaries, skills, and many others. The problem is that men and women are not the same; therefore, what they need is equity, not equality. Each of them has different needs therefore; the privileges are different as well. Each person possesses different skill and intellect and it would be suitable for that person to receive what is due based on how well that person works.

Having seen the overview and examples of these two terms, we can now see that equality and equity do not go hand-in-hand.

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