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Define the Seven Modes of Music?

The Basics of Music: 7 musical modes

2 Answers

Music, just like any other forms of art, has basics and theories to begin with. In the ancient times, the Greeks were the proponents for the basics in music wherein how we measure music today is influenced by the Greeks.

The Greeks created the seven modes of music wherein it become the basis for the modern music modes that the musicians are using today. These modes are the Locrian, Lydian, Ionian, Dorian, Aeolian, Mixolydian, and Phrygian. these nodes became the basis of the scales in music which are the major and the minor scales.
Music is just like Mathematics, to understand fully the modes and notes, one must be able to fully understand the basics such as the intervals and the notations which the modes are using. Although in the modes, there are seven of them, the intervals are composed of 8 characters because the first mode must go back to the first character. Such as true with Do Re Mi and the musical scales.

Most of the music we have today are written and composed in the Ionian mode. The Ionian mode is very common and easily heard with the use of the piano wherein familiar patterns are being used but in different notes.

The Locrian mode is one of the hardest modes to work on and oftentimes musicians prefer not to use this mode because they find the mode very unstable. Only few musicians venture in making music with the use of this mode because oftentimes this mode creates an unsatidfying tone.

The Lydian mode is popular and can be heard in jazz music and songs. Musicians enjoy creating music using this mode because they have amazing intervals and scale that often put the music in and unpredictable yet playful way.

The sad mode is the Dorian mode. This is because the mode creates a melody that is often unsettled and melancholic, making it popular among Irish and early American melodies.

Similar to the Dorian mode, the Aeolian mode also creates a sad music. Despair and grief often portrays this mode. The Aeolian mode is the perfect mode for music of heartbreaks and tragic grief.

The Mixolydian mode is another favorite of the musicians aside from the Ionian mode. The use of this mode involves the use of major scales with an amazing feel of the minor notes.

The last, but not the least, the Phrygian mode is common among modern musicians and oftentimes is being used with the mix of the Ionian mode. It is the most versatile mode since it can be played together with other modes.

There are still much to learn about these seven different modes. The key to creating a majestic musical piece is to understand the basics of these seven modes of music.

Hi there,

In simple terms mode is also known as scale. It is in fact, is just a word that describes the scales we have today. But they’re not all the same. Although they have changed over the years, today’s seven modes of music originated from the ancient Greeks which include:

1. The Ionian mode: It is made of the familiar “do,re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do” song pattern which is found in most of the popular songs today.

2. The Dorian mode: It’s a common pattern found throughout Celtic music and early American/Irish folk songs.

3. The Phrygian mode: it complements the Ionian mode; you will hear this mode in the music of modern composers and the solo lines of guitarists.

4. The Mixolydian mode: it is similar to the Lydian mode above.

5. The Aeolian mode: It is appropriate for modern blues songs. Music of the Aeolian mode has an overwhelming sensation of sadness, much more so than of the Dorian mode.

6. The Locrian mode: It is one of the least liked modes of all. Many musicians prefer not to use it, but refer to it as a ‘theoretical’ mode instead.

7. The Lydian mode:It is the exact opposite of the Ionian mode. It therefore sounds and feels as complete as any major scale, however it provides for unexpected intervals.

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