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Can a spin bike seat cause an enlarged prostate (BPH)?

Is it possible for cycling or riding on a spin bike to cause an enlarged prostate (BPH)?

1 Answer


Riding too much with an uncomfortable bike seat may lead to some prostate problems or nerve damage to the perinum groin area. With that said, Males under 50 years old, typically aren't at risk for or get an enlarged prostate (BPH).

However, you can get an inflamed prostate cycling and while symptoms may be similar to BPH, it's more likely that you have Prostatitis along with damage to the perineum region.

Unfortunately, you'll need to stop riding for a period of time (possibly many months), for the inflamed prostate to resolve and any serious damage you may have to heal up.  You'll want to start doing various Kegal exercises daily to help strengthen the pelvic muscles and repair nerve damage. Make sure you start strength training (Squats, Deadlifts, Lunges, Leg Presses), as weak muscles can lead to loss of bladder control, especially if you've recently had a serious injury or surgery.  Read steps to take to stop  urine leakage due to bike seat.

Make sure to see a Urologist in case you have a bacterial infection. The Urologist may prescribe Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) for two weeks to help get rid of the infection. However, if your doctor prescribes a fluoroquinolone, like Cipro, Avelox, and Levaquin, ask for an alternative (such as Bactrim or Amoxicillin), as fluoroquinolones have been linked to tendon ruptures.  (Note: you will get a warning label of the danger with a prescription of Cipro).

Either way, consider taking the following vitamins to help your prostate recover: Turmeric, Saw Palmetto, Beta Sitosterol

If you decide to start riding again, make sure your bike seat is setup properly, and use an anatomical gel bike seat or gel seat cover that does not make you uncomfortable while riding.You should also think about using padded bike shorts or padded cycling underwear.

You could also switch to a recumbent bike, that doesn't put as much pressure on the perineum.


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