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What is the Difference between NTSC and PAL Formats?

Compare the difference between NTSC vs. PAL Formats

1 Answer

Different regions around the world use different formats for television viewing. The NTSC which stands for National Television Standards Committee format is the most common television format that is being used by countries such as USA and Canada. The PAL, which stands for Phase Alternating Line, is another popular format being used by countries in Europe and Asia. These two TV formats have a lot of differences which we are going to discuss below.

Their differences in resolution involve the number of frames being used per second as well as lines of resolution. NTSC have more frames per second. It shows 30 frames per second while PAL only displays 25 frames. Even though PAL delivers lesser frames, this format still delivers more visual information than NTSC. This is because PAL has more lines of resolution than NTSC.

The electrical power systems being used also differs. NTSC format generates 60 “fields” per second electricity because the areas that are using such format generate 60 hertz of power. Countries that use PAL format use 50 hertz electricity that is why PAL also generates 50 “fields” per second.

Color transmission between these two formats also differs. In NTSC format, color transmission is not as good as with PAL because the format was created before color broadcasting was innovated. PAL was able to deliver better color screen quality and conversion is easier.

To play these TV formats to different countries, conversion is needed. Basically, NTSC format that is being converted into a PAL file needs to have 5 frames removed per second or risk having the picture played in slow motion. Same as with PAL being converted into an NTSC format, the frames should be added with 5 per second to make the movements clear and swift.

With the advancement of technology, we no longer have issues with conversions such as what people used before. Now, we enjoy DVDs and Blu-ray discs that give us amazing resolutions without limitations.

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