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What is the Difference Between a Lawyer, an Esquire and an Attorney?

What are the main Differences Between a Lawyer, an Esquire and an Attorney?

1 Answer

A lawyer is often called by many names and often, these names are being used interchangeably. This can create confusion since the different terms mean different and their functions in the field differ. A lot of people use these terms incorrectly and oftentimes they think that the different terms used for lawyers mean the same thing.

The true meaning of a lawyer is someone who is professionally trained in law. Oftentimes they give advices to clients regarding legal matters. They may or may not represent the clients in court proceedings but often times they do such. That is why lawyers are also called attorneys.

Attorneys or an attorney-in-law is a person who is licensed to represent the client in court. They defend and plead for the client’s case. Since they also give legal advices to clients, attorneys are also lawyers. Oftentimes the term lawyer and attorney are used as synonyms.

Aside from these two commonly used terms, there are also other terms that relate to a lawyer. Solicitor, which originated from the United Kingdom, often means as an advocate for clients and works with the client ion preparing documents. Another term common in UK is the barrister, which has a more technical function. A barrister is not involved in client interaction but rather he works in the higher courts.

An Esquire or sometimes we see as “Esq.,” is more of an honorary title rather than a job description of a lawyer or attorney. An Esquire is only a title given by the state or province and it is often attached before the lawyer’s full-name and it is quite similar with the Ph.D. title or a master’s degree. Unfortunately, an esquire is rarely need in offices of both private and public offices.

With the different terms used for layer or an attorney, it is always very wise to know the differences of these different terms so that we can use the terms effectively.

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