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What are the Greatest Manufacturing Countries Worldwide?

What are considered to be the world's top manufacturing countries today?

1 Answer

The Greatest Manufacturing Countries Worldwide

Before World War II began up to this present time, United States has been on the top of the list of the best manufacturing countries. It was even able to come up with 1.831 trillion dollars for its manufacturing output in the year 2007 which is mainly comprised of equipments and machinery for production (31.4%). That amount is actually12 percent of the country’s GDP. However, Japan still holds the highest output per capita level all over the world.

A country’s manufacturing output actually comes in different forms such as the per capita output, the gross total output etc. This has been a great source of confusion among economists for quite some time now but it hasn’t stopped them from listing down the top manufacturing countries worldwide.

Thus, in the same year when US was able to produce an incredible manufacturing output, the following countries were also included in the well known list.

• China
• Japan
• Germany
• Russian Federation
• Italy
• United Kingdom
• France
• South Korea
• Canada
• Spain
• Brazil

All of the manufacturing output levels of the countries mentioned above still have a sort of connection to their GDPs. That’s the reason why political aspirants especially in the US are interested in getting their GDPs rise above the bar with the use of the manufacturing industry. This is not surprising at all since China really wants get back to the top spot and their goal is to make that dream happen before the year 2020 ends.

Its economy has been rapidly growing and the country was even able to acquire a GDP growth of 22.59% despite its large population. Moreover, it has joined industrialization programs to match the industrialized economy of the US. China is definitely the United State of America’s biggest threat in the international market.

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