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How long does it take for a Nordic Track treadmill to ship?

After you place an order at Nordic Track, how long does it typically take for NordicTrack to ship out your fitness equipment?

5 Answers

It will usually take about a day for a Nordic Track treadmill to ship out.
The treadmill will then be "In Transit"

Nordic Track uses for transport, and you will get an email from Nordic Track with your shipping information. Here's an example:

Your order is in transit from the manufacturer to the J.B. Hunt facility that services your area. Delivery appointment not set yet. Once your product reaches our facility, we will call and schedule your delivery.

1) Shipment information received
2) Out for pickup
3) Picked up from shipper

It will take about a week or two for your Treadmill to be delivered to your front door after ordering.

I ordered mines eight days ago (4-4-14); still nothing from NordicTrack.
I am glad to know someone will inform me when my treadmill should arrive so I could plan to take off from work to receive it.
I still believe they should be more informative on the status of your order.


I feel your pain. Ordered mine oct.23,2014. A hold was put on the purchase price in my bank account 3 days later. Then.... CRICKETS!? I filled out an inquiry, contacted customer service.... NOTHING.... Serious lack of communication or???????


i ordered mine 5 days ago and the order status is still "open", which probably means they did not processed in yet.


It takes weeks. You are better off going to Dicks or Best Buy instead of ordering directly from NT.

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