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What are the signs of Sugar Withdrawal?

How can you tell if you have symptoms of Sugar Withdrawal? Are there any tell tale signs of Sugar Withdrawal?

1 Answer

There is actually some debate as to whether sugar withdrawals are psychological or physical. Generally, the term “withdrawal” is used in reference to addiction. When you have an addiction to anything (physically or emotionally) your body will react in some way. These reactions are usually negative and not an enjoyable experience.

Consuming sugar gives you a rush or a high, that you typically would not experience without it. After that “high”, comes a low. This is called a sugar crash. This involves feeling like you have a lot of energy, then after your body burns off the sugar, you feel almost depleted, and tired. Thus, making some people think they need to drink more sugar, and so the cycle continues until they’re consuming so much sugar that they have built up a tolerance to its effect’s.

This would be a physical addiction to sugar. If the sugar were to be drastically cut out of the diet at this point, the body would react in such a way that a person could experience extreme fatigue (that could last a few weeks or more). They could also develop common cold or flu symptoms, and suffer from severe mood swings. This is because the body has become physically dependent on the constant sugar intake, and feels it has to have sugar in order to function.

Some people feel the need to consume sugar for emotional reasons. This can lead to the physical addiction. If a person is feeling sad, stressed, or emotionally compromised, they’re brain tells them these are “bad feelings”. When they consume sugar while feeling this way, it leads the “fake” high of feeling good. So they cycle continues, they feel bad, consume sugar, they feel good, they feel bad after the effects wear off and so forth. This is an emotional addiction. If this person cut sugar out of their diet at this point it could lead to bouts of depression (extreme fatigue), sadness, and again – severe mood swings and irritability because they’re being forced to find another way to process those bad feelings. Most people are not comfortable with change. They like to do what is within their comfort zone for fear of the unknown. This is what causes the emotional addiction. It’s easier to eat something sweet and delicious for comfort than dealing with what is making them feel that way.

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